11 september 2008:

Robert Neborsky in Maastricht

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11 september 2008

Maastricht, Hotel Beaumont, Wyckerbrugstraat 2   (op 5 minuten loopafstand vanaf NS-station Maastricht)


kosten: € 160 (aanmeldingen tot 1 juni 2008) of € 220 (aanmeldingen vanaf 1 juni 2008)

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van Postbank t.n.v. A.L. Goudsmit/Symposium, Maastricht

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EDT Maastricht proudly presents:



.... a dynamic short-term psychotherapy clarified and explained by a prominent and lucid practitioner of Experiential Dynamic Therapy. We are happy to welcome

       Robert J. Neborsky, M.D.


Getting the Stuck Unstuck: The man who was addicted to fear.

A one day audio-visual* seminar on Experiential Dynamic Therapy

*(with fully undertitled video vignettes)



11 september 2008, Maastricht

Frequently patients who were abused as children develop "superego pathology". By this we are describing patients who demonstrate an unconscious need to perpetuate their suffering. The workshop will demonstrate the challenge in getting these patients to maintain and nurture a therapeutic alliance and to relinquish their internal loyalty to their "perpetrator" and thereby setting themselves on a course of genuine healing.

This one day workshop will show the treatment of a single forty year old man who presented with major depression, panic attacks and continuous negative self talk, demoralizing forecasting, and self-sabotage. Psychodynamically he illustrates severe ego-syntonic superego pathology complicated by virtually little or no ego-adaptive capacity. He has been non-responsive to both psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.

Despite significant dynamic breakthroughs into the underlying impulse, the patient continued to be terrified by projections of his punitive father and chaotic sadistic mother onto his bosses, colleagues and clients. The patient’s major asset of high apparent motivation and high intelligence hide the patient’s complete submission to his superego.

The presentation shows the difficulties in de-identifying him from his punitive super-ego which used massive self-devaluation and relentless self-directed sadism in order to maintain a sense of stability. The therapist is challenged by the seamless control that the superego exerts over the therapeutic dyad and makes the therapist feel insignificant against its relentless power and control. The presentation shows how the closeness with the therapist is the vehicle which displaces his parents from dominating his life and creating his daily misery.


Goals of the workshop:

1. Identifying superego resistance

2. Identifying and working with projection

3. Establishing Working Alliance and Unconscious Therapeutic Alliance

4. Improving Ego-adaptive Capacity

5. Resolving Severe Attachment Trauma (Working Through)



9:30 Registration and coffee

10:00 Lecture

11:00 Coffee/Tea

11:15 Initial Contact

12:00 Breakthrough of Impulse

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Confrontation of Superego Resistance

15:00 De-identification with Superego

16:00 Coffee/Tea

16:15 Emergence of a positive self

17:00 Working through and termination


Robert J. Neborsky, M.D., is a psychiatrist in private practice in Del Mar, California, and a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCSD School of Medicine as well as UCLA School of Medicine (Hon). He is member of the Board of Directors of the International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association (IEDTA). He was a founding member on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. He is currently guest editor of the Ad Hoc Bulletin of Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. In 2003, Dr. Neborsky was honored by the UCLA School of Medicine clinical faculty association as the Distinguished Psychiatric Lecturer of the year for 2002 .In 2003 he was one of the founders of the Southern California Society for IS-TDP and was elected as president of the society. In 2008 he was appointed a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.

In 1981, while training with Dr. Habib Davanloo, he co-founded the San Diego Institute for Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. In 2001, he co-authored Short-Term Therapy for Long Term Change (Norton) and is a contributing author in the 2003 book, Healing Trauma (Norton).

Dr. Neborsky’s professional activities include treating patients, training students in the techniques of Attachment-Based variety of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (IS-TDP), presenting at local, national and international symposia, and is also writing a textbook book on AB-ISTDP with Josette ten Have - de Labije. He is actively researching the interface between attachment theory and psychotherapy. He is married, the father of four daughters, and is a devoted Pilates student and golfer.


EDT Maastricht is een erkende en toegelaten instelling voor psychotherapie, dat een forum beoogt te bieden voor de studie en beoefening van de diverse soorten kortdurende dynamische psychotherapie.  Per 20 maart 2008 heeft EDT Maastricht ook een HKZ-certificering gekregen. Eerder werden studiedagen georganiseerd met o.m. Ferruccio Osimo (17 maart 2006) en Jon Frederickson (4 december 2007)